Friday, December 19, 2008

Rocket Packs 12/19/08

Wired Tv.

Rocket belt convention in NIagra falls going well with a lot of contestants and inventions. The army wants a man that can fly. Rocket uses hydrogen peroxyed . The army tried to amke it for war. The most advanced is piloted by a popular man. One of the biggest problem is it lasts 24 seconds.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Channel One News 12/17/08

The economy is still taking a huge blow from the fall of companies. Now computers are cheap now.

Obama has little helpers to help him fix the world's problems. Obama says he will

Storms are sweeping states that never had storms. Towns and cities take a big hit from the storm.

Shoe attack
People are still talking about the Iraqis throwing a shoe at president Bush. Some people are supporting the man.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Channel One News 12/11/08

AUto bailout
$15billion willbe put to the auto mobile

Bombers arrested
terrorists are arrested in pakisttan

Obama tries to get rid of a govenor in Illinios for selling his seat in senate. Blagojevich says he did nothing wrong.

Google search had alot of stock search

Ths week Fannie mae and freddie mack leaders came to congress saying they didnot do anything wrong. The companies gone south when they were warned about bad loans and didnot

Banks are inschools now. Run by students the bank is like a real one. It teaches people to be a good business person.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Channel One News 12/4/08


A run off election came to the senators for America. Men in the past spoke fillibusters for a long time.

Bomb attaks

Wednsday athorities found bombs ina city in Afganistan

Cost of College

people in America have less chances to go to college.


Pirates attack ships and get caught and get left in the water

Offenders of the Law of Music

People are learning with music ,but it annoys others. The puinshment was listening to music they disliked ,and it cut down repeat offenders.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Channel One News 11/21/08

Getting a Job

The holidays are great for getting jobs ,but today it is hard to get one. Businesses are cutting their prices more.

Businesses cut prices to get customers.

The troops in Iraq will be moved out in 2009

The Obama family is getting a preview in the White House.

A university is selling trading cards and it will pass on to other schools.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Channel One News 11/11/08

The Homeless
People are losing their jobs. Teens are making food for the homeless in Florida. People are sleeping in tents. People argue that tents are not enough for shelter.

T.V.s in rooms
Teens with T.V.s in their rooms are more likely not eat healthy foods and will do worse in school.

Veterans Day
In 1918 Veterans fought in world war 1. People are joining the army. The army will pay for college.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Channel One News 11/4/08

The Election
The candidates are not the only ones who are working hard, the voters are trying get their candidates to the white house. Barack Obama won the one vote. People still are recovering from hurricane ike.


Teens who watch sexual shows are more likely to get pregnant or get some one else pregnant.


Soccer united people with religeous differences. Soccer balls are being sent to Iraqian people.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Channel One News 10/28/08

Afermetive Action
The government didn't fix racism in the country. A college may split people apart. People at colleges are being judged by race. Amendment 46 may be being broken. People are being insulted around college. People are saying without racism they can't do something. Colleges with racism lose students.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Channel One News 10/23/08

Candidate Obama is winning polls. Obama is liked by Europe. Polls tell who is winning . Kids can vote at People are forced to poverty. India launched an auto rocket into space. Government talks about financial crisis. A marathon is 26.2 miles long. Alot of people in New York lose their jobs.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Channel One News 10/22/08

teens drivers will have accident 1/3 of the time.75% of the people are angry with bush. Competitions rise between young people to get into college. The economy is getting more money from the government. Democrats help middle class with tax breaks. Our country will be in more debt. Oklahoma has a new team the thunders. After fourteen years in captivity an eagle flies.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Channel One News 10/15/2008

Presidential debate is held at Hofsra University. Students get less money school. People can get scholarships from places they don't expect. Government may have hold of banks. Gas prices have gone down because of bad things. Wildfires are running wild in California. Obama and McCain attack each other. Candidates don't talk about thing that affect young peoples. Candidates didn't really answer questions.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Channel One News 10/9/08

Us federal resrve makes it easy for businesses.AIG find federal account.W. Bush inspires peopleto get active. young people are voting. 17 year old wants to work at wall street. Jobs are being is harder to get into.washington monument was to resemble the oblesk.White house turned pink tob supportcancer awarness

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Channel One News 9/30/2008

Capitol Hill they have rejected to help peoples' banks. Rich people may get richer. Iran builds a nuclear reactor.Pirate attacks Navy ship and holds it hostage until they pay a ransom. Gas runs dry on gas stations. Angry drivers wait at the gas stations for a tanker of gas.Hurricane Ike destroyed Houston,Texas two weeks ago. Today they recovered from the disaster. People are happy to go to school again. Hip hop has spread all over the world.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Channel One News 9/26/08

McCain vs. Obama for president. Things gone wrong on spotlight for every president. Territories are fought over for religion. Israel has advanced tech beyond the U.S.'s. Israelites live safely with soldiers,but without soldiers Israel is dangerous. We advanced farming from land to buildings. Will they allow it? Maybe ,but will it be safe?